
Quigley Cripple is - given that it is an imitation - a rather old pattern.


Bob Quigley created the pattern in 1978 and described it as "half nymph and half down". Bob fished a lot in the Fall River in Northern California, the river flows slowly and the fish have a long time to study the fly, which in itself says this is an effective pattern for picky fish. These are basically an imitation of a fly nymph that hatches, but which fails to try to get ready for takeoff. Since it is almost always effective, we believe it also imitates a regular hatcher perfectly.

Tips for impregnation:
- The front body, hackle and wing can be impregnated with TMC Dry Magic or Cdc Oil. Small amounts!
- After a fish rinse the fly in water, dry with amodou and use TMC Dry Shake Brush to revitalize the wing, torax and hackle can be impregnated with gel / oil.
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