
Fladen Disc Diver Round 87mm - Limegreen is an effective and easy-to-use tool for fishing wobblers, spoons, flutter spoons, tube flies or spinners during trolling fishing.


An effective and easy-to-use tool for fishing wobblers, spoons, flutter spoons, tube flies or spinners during trolling fishing. Takes down the bait in depth depending on how far the diver is from the boat. The farther away from the boat the diver is, the deeper it goes.

The Disc Disc Diver is adjustable and by turning the plate in either direction you decide on which side of the boat it should go. It can cut far to the sides and therefore minimizes the risk of getting stuck in the rigs. Depth is determined partly by how long the line you release and partly by which of the 4 settings you use on the graduated scale of the disk.

The maximum depth is about 13 meters. Calculated depth, if the Disc Diver is about 25 meters away from the boat and the speed of the boat is about 2 knots: Size 65 mm: 3.5-5.5 meters - Size 87mm: 6.0-8.5 meters and Size 107mm: 7.5-13 meters.
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Name Fladen Fishing
Address Honungsgatan 5
432 48 Varberg
Country Sverige
Phone +46340620005
Homepage \"https://www.fladenfishing

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