

Written by fisheries biologist and experienced sport fisherman Tobias Fränstam, it offers valuable tips and in-depth knowledge for anglers of all levels.



The perch is the most common fish in our Swedish waters, found from north to south, along the coasts, in small lakes, and rivers. Despite the perch's wide distribution, it remains a mystery. At what depths does the perch hunt? How does it behave in different waters? And most importantly, how should it be lured?

Dive into the "Abborrbibeln" to find answers to these questions. Abborrbibeln is the follow-up by fisheries biologist and renowned sport fisherman Tobias Fränstam to the bestseller "Gäddbibeln". In this book, you will find 300 pages packed with information on how to fish for perch, how it behaves, and how to analyze different waters to succeed in perch fishing. The book is suitable for everyone from seasoned anglers to beginners looking to expand their knowledge of perch.
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