- Outlet
- Reels
- Rods
- Combos
- Lures
- Lines
- Tools & Accessories
- Hooks & Terminal Tackle
- Storage
- Clothes & Shoes
- Marine Electronics & Boat
- Outdoor
- Other
- Superdeals
- Fishing methods
- Spin Fishing
- Fly Fishing
- Specimen fishing
- Trolling
- Sea Fishing
- Ice Fishing
Gunki is a brand owned by Sensas. Gunki is a modern brand that has really come into its own in recent years. Modern and innovative innovations that always have a place in the market. Gunki likes to release products in different price segments in order to offer everyone as good a product as possible!
s.a. €1.60
s.a. €4.20
s.a. €4.20
s.a. €6
s.a. €8.60
s.a. €9.40
s.a. €1.30
s.a. €1.60
s.a. €7.70
s.a. €9.90
s.a. €21.90
s.a. €8.60
s.a. €10.90
s.a. €4.20
s.a. €5.10
s.a. €3.40
s.a. €9.40
s.a. €5.10
s.a. €59.90
s.a. €4.20
s.a. €9.90
s.a. €99
s.a. €4.20
s.a. €6.80
s.a. €6.80
s.a. €209
s.a. €69.90
s.a. €84.90
s.a. €5.10
s.a. €8.60
s.a. €5.10
s.a. €7.30
s.a. €159
s.a. €1.30
s.a. €2.30
s.a. €4.20
s.a. €6
s.a. €0.80
s.a. €1.40