
Tobias Fränstam

Tobias is active in many parts of the Swedish angling scene. Tobias is a sportfishing entrepreneur and ambassador for some of our biggest sportfishing brands. Some of his closest collaborations include ABU Garcia sportfishing products, Mercury outboard motors, Lowrance sonar and Mojoboats sportfishing boats and Atlantica boat insurance. In the fisheries management community, many recognize Tobias as a distinguished fisheries biologist. His career started with the world's largest catch and release study on pike and then moved on to practical fisheries management such as demolishing fish barriers and dams, building pike wetlands and countless test fisheries and surveys in all kinds of aquatic environments. With solid sport fishing experience and great biological knowledge, Tobias prefers to fish our most common lake species such as perch, pike, zander and trout with all kinds of methods. You can find Tobias through his own channels like Instagram or Youtube as well as in Söder Sportfiskes Youtube productions like Pike-Fight where he competes for Team ABU Garcia.

Name: Tobias Fränstam Favorite species: Gädda
PB Pike: 16400g Favorite method: Spinnfiske
PB Perch: 1850g Boat: 518 Comanche
PB Zander: 6600g
Represented Brands:
ABU Garcia

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