
Jacob Lexe

My name is Jacob Lexe, I'm a 24 year old guy living in Jönköping. My interest in fishing started at the age of 4 where my first contact with fish was Perch. Ever since then, fishing and nature have shaped me as a person and enabled countless hours on the water. Fishing has focused on many different species, with pike getting by far the most of my attention. However, perch fishing has been on the upswing in recent years and I feel a pull to learn more about the species.

Growing up with modern fishing in focus has of course generated a lot of experience in many different species, equipment and techniques. The year I turned sixteen, my collaboration with Svartzonker Sweden started. The following year also saw the creation of the official Team Svartzonker where I was honoured to be included. Since then, everything has accelerated. I've travelled all over the world focusing on fishing, got to design a signature rod, written articles, cried over lost fish, cried over caught fish, and of course much more. One of the absolute best moments in fishing, in my opinion, is that millisecond between when the fish bites - and the brain has had time to perceive what is happening.

Name: Jacob Lexe Favorite species: Pike / Perch
PB Pike: 11260g Favorite method: Shallow fishing
PB Perch: 2040g Kayak: Ocean Kayak Big Game Prowler II
PB Zander: 6800g
Represented Brands:

Favorites from PerchFight 2022

s.a. €159
SvartZonker Discontinued
s.a. €3.40
s.a. €5.80
Sold out
Sold out

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