Henrik Sandahl

Henrik has the main responsibility for the flagship store and has about 30 years of experience in selling quality fishing products. He works with purchasing/assortment, marketing, administration of the webshop and product development of Söder Tackle. Few people in Sweden have the fishing experience that Henrik possesses. Henrik also has many years of experience as a successful sport fishing guide. Henrik is also one of Sweden's most skilled competition anglers with many podium finishes. Examples of catches and competition results: 15 pike over 12kg of which the largest is 17,15kg (131cm), 9 salmon over 14kg (top 26,32kg), 2 pike over 10kg (top 10,6kg). Carp 16,8kg, Lake salmon 10,26kg, Lake trout 7,4kg, Cod 26,9kg, Blue marlin 230kg, Sailfish 30kg etc., GT 65,5kg and many different met species over big fish registration.

Name: Henrik Sandahl Favorite species: Gädda
PB Pike: 17150g Favorite method: Spinnfiske
PB Perch: 2210g Boat: NorthSilver 650
PB Zander: 10600g
Represented Brands:
Söder Sportfiske

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s.a. €199

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