
Here we have put together a ready-made package with everything you need to go out and fish for perch! A perfect package for those who are just starting to fish for perch or for the pro who is keen to try out the baits that we at Söders recommend!


A truly all-round package with everything you need to fish for perch in almost any situation. The baits in this package complement each other perfectly - both in size and in action!

The package includes two hard baits and three different jigs, as well as jig heads, box and leader.

You can choose the colours yourself!

Hard baits:

Rapala Rippin Rap: This bait is perfect when the fish are hungry for a lot of vibration. A super easy to fish bait that you can just crank if you want. Another effective way to fish the bait is in sparse grass and jerk the rod to get out of the grass when you get stuck. Often that's when the bite comes. Don't be afraid to reel the bait in quickly if the water is warm. The bait also works great for jigging home along the bottom in deeper water. Let the bait sink to the bottom and then lift the rod, or crank a few cranking strokes and then let it sink back to the bottom again. Repeat until the lure is cranked up.

Scout Twitch: A classic twitchbait/jerkbait. Fish this bait by twitching with the rod. Make sure the line is semi-slacked each time you give it a twitch, as this will give the bait a perfect movement and it will go off to the sides. Fish over the grass, but don't be afraid to fish some deeper water too, during the summer perch have no problem rising several meters to eat the bait!


Stanley the Stickelback: A small high frequency bait that you can jig or swim in as it is. Makes a lot of vibrations that perch can't resist. Rig with 3/0.

Scout Kicker: If the water is cold or the fish are sluggish, you need to try this bait. The special shape of the paddle makes micro-vibrations that are ultra-realistic. Not too much or not too little noise, which can fool cold and sluggish fish! Rig with 4/0.

Eastfield TC minnow: A larger profile that works well when the fish are eating larger baitfish. Creates a lot of vibration in the water, with a lighter jighead the bait sails into the drop with a full body wobble, go up in Jighead and the body becomes calmer and the paddle works much harder to maintain the vibration! The finish is incredible and the colours are a mix between old classics and new thinking. Rig with 4/0.


>1-3m or calm conditions: 3.5-7g
3-7m or more wind: 10-20g
7-12m or strong winds/currents: 20-28g
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