
3-pack Myran inline spinners!


Comes in a two-part box made of durable ABS with 5 compartments and hinge in brass made to last long in both cold and heat. MYRAN spinners & boxes made in Sweden.

Utvalda Favoriter (Selected favorites): Wipp HOT 10g Silver, Mira 10g Copper, Wipp G / V 10g Copper

Sommarmix (Summermix): Wipp G / V 10g Gold, Wipp Sv / Or 10g Copper, Mira 7g Copper

Regnbåge (Rainbow Trout): Mira 10g Zulo, Akka HOT 7g Silver, Wipp HOT 7g Copper

Harr (Grayling): Panther 7g Black, Panther HOT R 10g Black, Panther 7g K / H

Ädelfisk (Char, salmon, rainbow trout, grayling): Agat 10g Silver, Wipp 7g Zulo, Mira 10g Copper

Abborre (Perch): Wipp G / V 10g Gold, Toni 7g Copper, Wipp Sv / Or 10g Silver

Gädda (Pike): Wipp G / V 15g Gold, Mira 15g Copper, Toni 12g Copper
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Registred contact information for the products manufacturer.

Name KAX 9 AB
Corporate number 559493-5743
Address Kullängsvägen 9
56146 Huskvarna
Country Sverige

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