
Guideline Braided Backing is a nice and dense polyester backing, where the colors do not fade or stain during use. 20lbs is normal strength for all types of trout fishing. Guideline uses it on everything up to line class #7.


For heavier coastal fishing, salmon and sea trout from class #8 to #10, 30lbs is considered the norm. 50lbs is for the heaviest salmon fishing in class #10-12 as well as tropical fishing for Tarpon, GT etc.

Backing is an important part of the tackle and helps fill the reel so that the fly line itself is in larger circles on the reel. This minimizes memory in the fly line and you crank in faster. There is also safety for when the fish rushes away and the length of the fly line is not enough. For line classes 2-4 we recommend that you have 50m backing as a minimum. From class 5 to 7 and single handed you should have 100m backing. For salmon and sea trout fishing in rivers you should fill your reel with 150-200m of backing. For tropical fishing, you should have at least 200m.
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Breaking strength, kg: 9 kg
Breaking strength, lb: 20 lb
Line length: 50 m

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