
Frödin Salar Backing is a backing in 5 colors and different dimensions. A backing that gives you control over how far your fish has run during the fight!


The Salar Backing is made in 5 colors to give you control and confidence when handling large fish. Thanks to the fact that the backing only changes color 5 times, and that no color returns, you get full control of how far a large fish has swum. This backing is available in 4 different sizes/lengths which means that there is a backing to choose from for all fishing.
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Breaking strength, kg: 13,6 kg , 18,1 kg , 27,2 kg , 36,3 kg
Breaking strength, lb: 30 lb , 40 lb , 60 lb , 80 lb
Line length: 100 m , 150 m , 200 m , 300 m

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