Tapered Leaders

Tapered tapers are leaders with a thicker dimension at the beginning to end on a thinner dimension to make the fly turn out right. Tapered leaders tend to be around 9 feet and are also available in longer lengths and in fluorocarbon that allow you to have a better chance at shadier fish. Fluorocarbon leaders are also common inshore as they are more durable, less visible to the fish and because they are heavier than nylon leaders and sink a little below the surface film, as these leaders are heavier than nylon leaders. However, if you are fishing with larger streamers and pike flies, for example, you will want a shorter leader to have more power to turn out these larger flies. We have tapered lures in a variety of sizes and materials so you can choose a lure for your type of fly fishing!
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RIO Pike/Musky 2 20lb class 20lb wire w/link
RIO Fluoroflex Trout Taperad Leader 9ft